Program Fee Schedule

Guild members hang out under an oak tree

The Guild Program Fee Schedule

Program Fees for The Guild: 2021-2022 Program Year

Enrollment / Re-Enrollment Deposit

(credited towards annual program fees)


  • The Enrollment Deposit is non-refundable and due by March 15th of the previous program year to secure the Guild member’s place for the following program year. This deposit will be credited towards the annual program fees.
  • Along with the Enrollment Deposit, a signed Enrollment Contract is also due.

Annual Program Fee

Includes a $500 supply/transportation fee

Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm*

* Members may be asked to arrive early or stay late depending on vocational opportunities throughout the week/semester. Parents and caregivers will be notified in advance of any change to the standard length of day.


Annual Building Fee

Funds to be applied to current and future building needs


Annual Billing Fee for Semi-Annual Payment Plan


Annual Billing Fee for Monthly Payment Plan


Payment Plans

See Enrollment Contract

Returned Check Fee

A returned check fee will accompany any check for any amount that is returned for any reason.


Late Payment Fee

A late fee of $50 per month, or any increment thereof, will be charged for all late payments made 30 days after the due date.



Building and Supply Fees are non-refundable.

All payments should be made payable to and be submitted to:

The Guild at Raphael Village
517 Soraparu Street, Suite 104, New Orleans, LA 70130

Program Fees are non-refundable including if the member does not attend for a period of time or does not complete the program year. Withdrawal from The Guild requires a sixty day written notice.

Payment Plans

Annual Payment Plan

All Program Fees for re-enrolling Guild members are due by July 1st. Deposits will be deducted from this amount. Tuition is non-refundable. There is no billing fee for the Annual Payment Plan.

Semi-Annual Payment Plan

The Semi-Annual payment plan allows families to pay Program Fees in two payments. Sixty percent (60%) of Program Fees plus the annual Supply/Transportation and Building Fees are due on July 1st and the remaining forty percent (40%) of the program fee is due November 15th. There is a one time billing fee of $100 for the Semi-Annual Payment Plan due in addition to the 60% tuition payment on July 1st.

Monthly Payment Plan

Families may make monthly payments over ten (10) months beginning July 1st. Enrollment deposits made prior to July 1st, will be credited towards Program Fees for the upcoming program year. The remaining balance will be spread equally across ten months. Payments are due on the first of the month. There is a one time billing fee of $200 for the Monthly Payment Plan that will be spread evenly across ten months. In the event that the 1st falls on a weekend, payments will be due the Friday prior to the 1st.

Bridging the Gap

Please note that program fees alone do not cover the cost of what it takes to provide an individualized quality program for each Guild member. We depend on donations and fundraising to cover this gap in funding. Learn more about how you can participate in our Annual Giving Campaign, Tennis Fun-Raiser, and Soraparu Soirée, so that The Guild at Raphael Village can continue to offer the best program possible for its members. Raphael Village is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3).